
Teach kids to love their vegetables

Greens Of GoodnessWhen veggies are forced to compete with fast food and sugary sweets, it’s no wonder that kids turn up their noses when you feed them the green stuff. It doesn’t have to be that way though. Teach your kids to love their vegetables with these simple tips.

Child eating broccoli

1Start young.

The sooner you start promoting veggies to your kids, the more likely they will learn to love these nutrient-rich foods. Start by exposing your children to veggies as soon as they begin eating solid fare. Even if your children seem to dislike a new veggie at first, keep on trying. It can take between five and 10 exposures for your children to warm up to a new food.

2Get creative.

Kids love crafts and creativity, so use that to your advantage when serving your kids veggies. Consider trying the following veggie crafts:

Cucumber cookies: Purchase cucumbers with a wide diameter and slice them into round pieces about 1/8-inch thick. Help your kids use small cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes such as stars, hearts and butterflies. "Ice" the cookies with a thin layer of low-fat ranch dressing or plain Greek yogurt.Salad faces: Set out a plate of lettuce, sliced carrots, sliced peppers, radishes, cucumbers and grape tomatoes. Give your child a paper plate and a little bit of ranch dressing as "glue." Have him arrange a variety of veggies into a funny face on the plate before "gluing" them in place. Once the face has been assembled, she can eat the masterpiece.Veggie tic-tac-toe: Draw a tic-tac-toe board on a paper towel or paper plate. Slice up at least five pieces of four different kinds of colorful veggies. Popular veggies include carrots, cucumbers, broccoli or grape tomatoes. Let your child choose which vegetable to use as his or her game pieces and proceed to play a game of tic-tac-toe. Whoever wins gets to eat five veggie pieces of his or her choice and gets to assign five veggie pieces to the loser. Continue playing until all the veggies are gone.3Teach & engage.

When your children understand all the benefits of eating veggies, they may be more inclined to eat them. Explain that the vitamins and minerals found in veggies can help improve their eyes, skin, hair and nails while also helping their bodies grow and develop the way they're supposed to. After teaching them about the benefits of veggies, take them to the grocery store and let them choose any two veggies that they want to try. Once you get home, help them research recipes that use these veggies and work together to make the dish. You'll quickly discover that kids are more inclined to eat exotic dishes if they feel invested in the food on hand.

How children like their veggies cooked

Kids and veggies: It's often a love/hate relationship -- you love them, they hate them. Maybe the key is in the preparation. A new Dutch study finds that crunchiness counts.

More eating tips for healthy kids

Pick eater help: 12 tips for parents
5 Simple rules for raising healthy kids
Best exercise games for healthy kids


5 Easy ways to fit in a workout

Woman running up the stairs

No time to work out? No excuse! Sure, you might be too busy to spend an hour (or even 30 minutes) at the gym, but there are easy ways to be a little more active each and every day, even if you’re stuck in the office.

Little moves that deliver big results

FitOrbit.com trainer Amanda Ebner shares 5 “sneaky ways” to fit exercise into your super busy day.

Use the rule of three

If you don't have time for a steady 30-minute cardio session, break your workout into three 10-minute segments instead.

“Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier and kick out the first one before work, spend 10 minutes of your lunch hour sweating out the second segment and cool down your day with a final 10 minutes when you get home,” Ebner says. “The key with shorter workouts is to keep the intensity high (think running, circuit training, or plyometrics) and stay focused on your effort — this is not the time to read a magazine or take a leisurely stroll.”

The triple threat workout >>Don't fight the fidgets

Stuck in meetings and dying to get up and get moving? Tap your toes, play with your pencil, and swivel your chair. Sound crazy? “It might, but fidgeters (those who engage in spontaneous and constant minor activity) can burn around 108 extra calories daily just from refusing to sit still. If you're not a natural busybody, try bouncing your knees up and down from your chair, shifting your weight from side to side while standing in line or tapping your fingers on your desk while you brainstorm. Those daily calories can add up to nearly one pound burned per month,” Ebner says.

Treat it like a meeting

We all live and die by our calendars these days, so why not make an appointment you absolutely can't miss—with the gym.

“Trying to squeeze in a workout on an already-packed day can seem like a chore, but planning your workout ahead of time (for example, penciling in that Tuesday yoga class with your favorite instructor or blocking out 45 minutes to try that new P90X video) can actually relieve stress by making your workout seem like just another part of your busy day,” Ebner says.

Fitness ballGet on the ball

Swapping out your regular chair for a stability ball is a very sneaky way to strengthen your core and lower back muscles, improve your posture and even burn a few extra calories during your workday.

Got more time (and an office with a door)? “Add stability ball crunches, push-ups, and roll-ins to your repertoire and complete 10 of each exercise every hour on the hour. You'll be feeling the burn by lunchtime!”

7 Items for your fitness bucket list >>Find an app for that

Training apps for the iPhone or Android have become seriously sophisticated over the past few years, and many of the best apps are under less than $5 or even free (think Nike Training Club, MyTrainer or MapMyFitness).

“You can have a full workout at the touch of a button without spending a ton of time trying to think up programs or download training plans. Need more personalization? Check out FitOrbit.com, an online personal training site that connects you with real-life personal trainers and nutrition plans for less than $2 a day,” Ebner suggests.

Click here for more easy ways to sneak in a workout! >> More on SHAPE

10 New moves for thinner thighs
6 Protein-packed vegan meals
8 Super nutrients for weight loss


How to Simple playground workouts

Play Your Way To FitnessIt's tempting to use playground time as an opportunity to catch up on the latest celebrity gossip zines, but you should really get up off that park bench and get your butt in shape. As your kids tear around the jungle gym like wild monkeys, use the equipment as your own personal (and free!) fitness center.

Slides, swings and monkey bars may look like child's play, but with a little imagination, they can be used to create an incredible full-body workout. Every playground is a little bit different, so you may need to scope out the situation to come up with a game plan, but here are just a few ideas for turning your playtime into gym time.

Box jumps

Box jumps

Who needs a plyometric box? Just find an elevated step or park bench and get to hopping! Just remember to keep your feet hip-width apart and to land each jump with "soft knees" to help prevent injuries. Targets your entire lower body: glutes, hamstrings, quads, hips and calves.

Workout suggestion: Perform two sets of 10 to 12 jumps.

Calf raises

Calf raises

Use a step, ladder or curb to perform calf raises. The elevation allows you to increase the range of motion, enhancing the exercise. Just be sure not to use your upper body to help pull you up as you raise your body up onto your toes. Use your hands for balance only. Targets your calves.

Workout suggestion: Perform three sets of 15 calf raises.

Suspension lunge

Suspension lunge

Skip TRX class and opt for a swing, instead! Swings are like the original suspension trainer, forcing you to concentrate on balance and stability while performing traditional movements. To perform a suspension lunge, start by balancing on one foot, placing the top of your opposite foot on the seat of a swing. Extend your back leg behind you as you lower yourself toward the ground into a lunge. When your front knee forms a 90-degree angle, return to start. Targets your entire lower body and core.

Workout suggestion: Perform two sets of 10 to 12 lunges on each side.

Triceps dip

Triceps dip

Playgrounds are full of bars and handles! Locate a bar that you can rest both hands on, at a height that allows you to start with your hips forming a 90-degree angle, as though you were seated in a chair. Keeping your lower body steady, bend your elbows and begin lowering your hips toward the ground. When your elbows form a 90-degree angle, reverse the movement and return to start. Targets your triceps.

Workout suggestion: Perform two sets of 10 to 12 dips.

Suspension plank

Suspension plank

If you think a traditional plank is hard, try a suspension plank! By balancing your upper body on a swing, you'll have to fully engage your shoulders, chest, hips and core as you work to keep your body tight and straight. As an alternative, rest your hands on the ground, with your feet on the swing's seat. Targets your chest, shoulders and core.

Workout suggestion: Perform two 30-second planks.

Lateral traveling plank

Lateral traveling plank

If your playground has steps or pods of varying heights, use them to perform a lateral traveling plank. Like a standard plank, the traveling plank will challenge your core, but it will also force you to engage your upper and lower body more fully. Just be careful and make sure you're planting your hands firmly on each pod before working your way across the steps — you don't want to slip! Targets your chest, shoulders, hips and core.

Workout suggestion: Work your way up and down the pods five times without resting.

Assisted pull-up

Assisted pullup

All those bars and handles can be used to work your back muscles, too. Just find a bar that allows you to rest your heels on the ground with your body at an angle. Start with your arms fully extended, then pull yourself up to the bar. Lower yourself back to start and continue the exercise. Targets your back and biceps.

Workout suggestion: Perform two sets of 10 to 12 pull-ups.

More great workouts for moms

Mom swap: Ways to change up your gym routine
Slim without the gym: The 10-move home workout
Workout moves with baby in tow


Tonight's Dinner Chicken and biscuits recipe

Nothing Beats Biscuits Swimming In GravyBiscuits are usually reserved for fancy dinners or fast food breakfasts. But they're just as delicious soaked in gravy for a weeknight dinner.

Sometimes you just need a slice of bread or a roll to eat with your chicken dinner. It just makes the meal complete. And the best type of bread is a biscuit that's soaked in the gravy the chicken was cooked in. I always considered chicken and biscuits a winter meal, but this comfort food is yummy all year-round. And with so many delicious fresh vegetables, especially rainbow carrots, available at the farmers market now, it's actually a perfect choice for a summer family meal.

Chicken and biscuits

Serves 4

Ingredients:1 package biscuit mix2 strips bacon, chopped1 tablespoon olive oil4 chicken legs4 chicken breastsSalt and pepper to taste2 carrots, chopped2 celery stalks, chopped1 onion, chopped2 tablespoons flour3 cups chicken stock, dividedDirections:
    Make the biscuits according to package directions and set aside.While the biscuits are cooking, heat the oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the bacon and cook until crispy. Transfer the bacon to a paper towel, reserving the oil and bacon grease in the pot.Remove the skin from the chicken legs and breasts and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place the chicken in the pot and brown on all sides over medium-high heat. Transfer the chicken to a plate and set aside.Reduce the heat to medium and cook the carrots, celery and onion until tender, about four minutes. Stir in the flour and cook for another minute. Add the chicken stock and, using a wooden spoon, scrape up all the browned bits from the pan and cook for another two minutes.Add the chicken and bacon back into the pot. Pour in the remaining chicken stock, cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes. Uncover the pot and cook for another 15 to 30 minutes or until the sauce has thickened and the chicken is fully cooked. Ladle the chicken and sauce over the biscuits and serve.
More Tonight's Dinner recipes >>Other biscuit recipes

7UP biscuits
Blackberry & lemon breakfast biscuits
Pull apart cinnamon biscuits


Huge Halloween candy recall

Halloween Candy Contains Nuts, LeadSeveral candy manufacturers issued recalls on their Halloween candies for everything from peanuts to high levels of lead. Find out if your candy is affected and what you can do with the dangerous candies.

Halloween candies recalled for contamination

Some kids who thought they received treats last night really received some dangerous tricks.

Several candymakers are recalling Halloween candy -- some candy contains peanuts, some contain metal and others tested positive for high levels of lead.

Yikes. Absolutely scary (and not the fun Halloween kind.)

Here's a full list of the recalled candy and what you should do with affected candy.

Nestle Raisinets

Nestle has issued a recall on their Fun Size bags (10 oz.) after a few consumers complained they found peanuts in their bags. If you think you have affected candy, Nestle advises you to check your bag for the production code 02015748 and UPC number 2800010255. If you have these, throw the remaining packages away and contact Nestlé Consumer Service's phone at 1-800-478-5670 to receive a full refund.

Hersey's York pieces

Hersey's has issued a recall on their 5 oz. bags of bite-sized York pieces after pieces of metal were found in several packages. Check your packages for the UPC 34000-11435-000 and a production code starting with 27 or 28. If you have these, contact Hersey's customer relations hotline at 1-800-468-1714 for further instructions.

Columbina USA Mega Pop Lollipops (Imported from Columbia)

Columbina USA has issued a voluntary recall on their Mega Pop Lollipops because metal and other foreign materials were found in some lollipops. Affected candy comes in 14 and 28 oz. packages containing multiple flavors. If you have this candy, check the packages for UPC codes 0 14272 10873 9 or 0 14272 10862 3 and Lot numbers #1240695, #1209708, or #1209796. The company advises consumers to return the Mega Pop Lollipops to their point of purchase for a full refund or credit. You can also contact Columbina's 24-hour customer service hotline at 1-888-317-3686.

Anhing Corp. DaiJyoBu Ginger Candy (Imported from China)

Anhing Corp has recalled their DaiJyoBu Ginger Candy after California's Department of Public Health found illegally high levels of lead in the candies. Anhing Corp. advises consumers to return the candy to the point of purchase for a full refund.

Chula Vista Candy Company Candy El Pecas Saladitos & Candy El Pecas Saladitos con Limon (Imported from China)

The Chula Vista Candy Company issued a recall on both of these candies because the California Department of Public Health found lead in the candies at seven times the legal limit. If you have these either flavors of salted plums, or find them for sale, contact the CDPH at 1-800-495-3232.

More recent recalls

Hyland's teething tablets recalled
Tylenol 8-hour caplets recalled
Wal-Mart and Kroger frozen vegetables recalled


Easy peasy fruit and yogurt popsicles recipe

An Easy Healthy
Treat For Little OnesSometimes getting your children to eat a healthy snack is a complete fail especially if your child is a picky eater. Here we share this great idea for fruit and yogurt popsicles which focuses on using fresh or frozen fruits and yogurt. Simply blend the ingredients and freeze for a fantastic snack that makes kids happy and keeps moms smiling.

Easy peasy fruit and yogurt popsicles recipe

As a mom, nothing is more difficult than trying to incorporate healthier snack options into your children's diet. Here we share this great recipe that uses any type of fresh or frozen fruit you have on hand and yogurt (we used Stonyfield YoKids brand) sweetened up with honey or agave nectar. Simply blend, freeze and enjoy. These are great for kids of any age especially in the warmer months.

Easy peasy fruit and yogurt popsicles recipe

Yield 6-8 popsicles depending on the size of molds or cups used

Ingredients:1 cup yogurt such as Stonyfield YoKids1 cup either fresh or frozen fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, bananas or peaches2 tablespoons honey or agave nectar1 set of 6 popsicle molds (if you do not have a popsicle mold you can also use small paper cups, wooden sticks and aluminum foil) Directions:
    In a blender or a food processor add the fresh or frozen fruit, the honey and the yogurt blending until the mixture is smooth and creamy.Fill each of the popsicle molds 3/4 of the way full, then add the top. Place the mold in the freezer and freeze several hours or until the popsicles are frozen solid. Remove the tops from the mold and enjoy.If using paper cups follow the same process making sure not to overfill the cups. Place the paper cups on a dinner plate and cover with the aluminum foil. Make one small slit in the top of the foil over each cup and add a wooden stick (the foil will help support the stick until the popsicle freezes). Once frozen simply peel the paper cup away from the popsicle and enjoy.
More healthy recipe ideas for kids

Kid friendly recipes from A - Z
Healthy lunches for toddlers
5 Fun ways to get kids to eat healthy


Party-size snack recipes

Mega MunchiesSnacks. Appetizers. Tapas. Call them what you like. Just make sure they look fantastic, taste delicious, and that you have plenty of them! After all, good munchies make the party! Here are three recipes to try at your next football bash, holiday cocktail party or family get-together.

Mini pizza bite

Pizza bitesIngredients:Pre-made pizza doughShredded mozzarella cheesePizza sauceFresh basilGrated Parmesan cheeseGarlic powderButterDirections:
    Let dough sit at room temperature for about 10 to 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 400 F. Lightly grease two pie plates.Slice mozzarella log into 24 pieces. Set aside.Dust work surface with flour. Roll pizza dough into a 9×12- inch rectangle. Cut the pizza dough into 12 squarish shapes with a pizza cutter. Cut the shorter side into three strips and the longer side into four.Place cheese and whatever fillings you're using onto each square. Fold dough corners into middle, like an envelope. The bottom of the pizza bite will be where the corners meet. Turn over and pinch together any open ends.Place 12 bites in each prepared pie plate. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown.Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with Parmesan and garlic.
Bite size comfort foods >>Baked buffalo chicken poppersIngredients:3 cups cooked shredded chicken1/4 to 1/2 cup hot sauce3-1/2 ounces softened cream cheese1-3/4 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese1 cup all-purpose flour4 lightly beaten eggs3 to 4 cups panko bread crumbsDirections:
    Preheat oven to 350 F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.In a large bowl, combine chicken, cream cheese, hot sauce and cheddar cheese.Roll a heaping tablespoon of mixture into 1-1/2-inch balls and place onto a plate.Place flour in a shallow dish.Place eggs in a second shallow dish.Place corn flakes in a third shallow dish.Dip each chicken ball first into the flour, then the egg and then the bread crumbs. Place on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve immediately with ranch or blue cheese dressing.
Bite sized party food >>Soft pretzel sticksIngredients:1 packet active dry yeast3 teaspoons dark brown sugar1-1/2 cups warm water1 tablespoon salt4 cups all-purpose flourCornmeal and extra flourKosher saltDirections:
    In a large bowl, combine yeast with 1-1/2 teaspoons brown sugar and water, and let stand for five minutes. Add remaining 1-1/2 teaspoons brown sugar and salt, and stir well. Add the flour, one cup at a time, mixing by hand until well incorporated. Knead dough about seven minutes, until it is smooth and shiny. Transfer to a bowl, cover with a clean towel and let it stand for 40 minutes in a warm place.Dust your work surface with flour and cornmeal. Divide dough into approximately 12 pieces, and roll out to desired length and thickness. Cut rolled dough into sticks, and transfer to a cornmeal dusted baking sheet. Let pretzels rise for 30 minutes, uncovered.Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.Carefully transfer risen pretzels to boiling water with a spatula, and boil on one side for two minutes. Then flip and boil other side for one and a half minutes. Transfer boiled pretzels to a rack to drain for one minute. Arrange pretzel sticks on a cornmeal dusted baking sheet, and sprinkle with kosher salt. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.
Make your appetizer look gourmet >>Watch: How to make grilled quesadillas

Rachael Ray shows us how to make another great party snack: easy grilled quesadillas. Yum-o!

More entertaining ideas

How to make a great appetizer menu
Party-size snack recipes
Best party dip recipes



Skip the cold cuts

Healthy & Quick
Family LunchesStuck in a cold cut rut? Tired of turkey? Skip the lunchmeats and opt for these healthy and delicious lunches for your busy family.

Homemade burrito


You don't have to visit your favorite Mexican joint for a tasty burrito. Make this quick version for a weekday lunch when you're in a hurry. Simply wrap your favorite ingredients in a whole-wheat tortilla and zap it in the microwave. Try it with low-fat refried or black beans, shredded cheddar cheese and salsa. Dice up that extra chicken from last night's dinner for extra flavor and protein. Packed with flavor, protein and fiber, this speedy lunch burrito will keep your family full all the way to dinner.


Omelets aren't just for breakfast anymore. Less than five minutes in the pan with eggs, veggies and cheese, and your healthy and quick lunch is ready. Add a sprinkle of your favorite seasoning to two eggs (per omelet) and add your favorite diced vegetables or meat. Sprinkle in some leftover bacon. Serve with salsa for a fiesta flair. This is the perfect lunch for mixing in leftovers and keeping the family happy when you're pressed for time.

3Pizza pie pockets

Get ready for the excitement when you tell the kids they can have pizza for lunch -- and in less than five minutes. Fill a whole-wheat pita with pizza sauce, shredded cheese, diced chicken or pepperoni and veggies; warm it in the microwave and serve. Simple is key for this pizza pocket. Add a dash of barbecue sauce or even teriyaki for a flavor twist.

If the kids are asking for dessert, too, make a cinnamon apple dessert pizza pocket with sliced apples, cinnamon and sugar warmed in a whole-wheat pita. The possibilities are endless for these pizza pies.

4Chicken sliders

Trick the kids into thinking they're in line at their favorite fast-food joint with Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches. Ready in seconds and full of flavor, they're a perfect lunch for your busy family. Let the kids dip them in honey mustard, ketchup or other condiments. Pair with veggies and hummus for a filling and delicious meal.

Tell usWhat are your kids' favorite homemade lunches?

Share with us in the comments section below!

More lunch ideas

5 Healthy brown-bag lunches kids love
Cheap & healthy lunches
5 Workday lunches you'll love


Spring fitness essentials The best fitness gadgets and gear

Spring Fitness Gadgets, Gear And MoreSpring is the perfect time to refresh your fitness routine. We suggest slipping on a new pair of running shoes to pound dirt trails, updating your swimwear, stocking up on nutrition bars made for women and shaping up to the latest fitness DVDs for the days you work out at home. To help you breathe new life into your regular workouts, here are our top picks for fitness gadgets, gear and more.

PUMA Complete NightFox TR Women's Trail Running Shoe

Puma Complete NightFox TR Women's Trail Running Shoe

(shop.puma.com, $95)

Built to last, the NightFox provides exceptional traction, protection and support over tough terrain. It’s a fully packed security system for your stride, as the EverFoam heel creates a snug, protective fit while the Rock Shield Plate plays bodyguard. As a big bonus, reflective plates keep you visible during early morning or dusk runs.

Ahnu Jackie Slip On

Ahnu Jackie Slip-On

(ahnu.com, $110)

Need a multi-purpose fitness shoe you can wear all day long, whether you're power walking in the park or going to work? Slip on the Ahnu Jackie shoe, a stylish and comfy celebration of today's woman and the many roles she plays as a true "Jackie of all trades." A low-profile shoe, the Jackie is designed for all-day wear, sporting a slip-resistant rubber sole, moisture-wicking synthetic mesh and microfiber with antimicrobial properties that reduce odor. Available in grenadine, chartreuse and blue.

PUMA Hooded Layering Shirt

Puma Hooded Layering Shirt

(shop.puma.com, $35)

When you need a casual cover-up for your post-workout endeavors, slip on this cozy, soft and stylish Puma hoodie. Available in black or pink, you can wear it from the gym to your everyday activities without looking like you didn't have time to change after your sweat.

LUNA Fiber

Luna Fiber

(www.lunabar.com, $1.39 per bar)

Luna, the maker of the Whole Nutrition Bar for Women, has added a new bar to their delicious snack selection. Luna Fiber is a high-fiber bar (7 grams per bar) that provides the nutrients that women need, including calcium, folic acid, iron and vitamin D, all at 110 to 120 calories. This soft-baked, fruit-filled bar is the perfect grab-and-go option when you need a healthy bite before your workout or a tasty hunger-curbing nibble in between meals. Luna Fiber comes in three flavors: peanut butter strawberry, blueberry vanilla and chocolate raspberry.

Booty Camp Fitness Ultimate Home Edition 2

Booty Camp Fitness Ultimate Home Edition 2

(bootycampdvd.com, $100)

One of the largest international women’s-only boot camps, Booty Camp Fitness has launched its new at-home boot camp DVD program, Booty Camp Fitness Ultimate Home Edition 2, which delivers progressively more challenging workouts that are fun, motivating and effective for women of all fitness levels. Created for women, by women, each workout combines total-body and muscle-specific exercises to help women get amazing, transformational results in the comfort of their own homes. This fitness DVD set includes 11 energetic and fun workouts that range in duration and difficulty to target trouble spots, sculpt from head to toe, test cardiovascular endurance and deliver total-body workouts.

JCORE Accelerated Body Transformation DVD Set

JCORE Accelerated Body Transformation DVD Set

(jcorebody.com, $120)

What is accelerated body transformation? Your ticket to getting fit fast. The JCORE DVD set includes six videos, including Rev Up, Cardio Core 4x4 and Fire Fit. Along with the body-shaping workouts, you also get a nutritional plan with recipes, a rotational calendar and 30 days free live-streaming access to Workout Wednesdays with Jay. The creator of this effective workout plan, Jay Cardiello, is a celebrity fitness trainer, leading fitness expert and Shape magazine editor-at-large. His fitness philosophy is 20 minutes a day, 4 days a week, no equipment and a 4x4 workout space. Sounds good to us, Jay.

Up next: Spring fitness gadgets, gear and more >>

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Sunday Dinner Pasta with Brussels sprouts

Green Goodness!Pasta is a go-to, easy dish when it’s time for a quick meal. Getting bored with the usual sauces? Give pasta with Brussels sprouts a try for Sunday dinner!

Pasta with Brussel sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a great wintertime veggie and so good for you, too. Why not add them to pasta for a quick and flavorful meal? Brussels sprouts have had a bad rap for being mushy and unappealing, but they're anything but in this recipe. A simple saute is all it takes to add a little green goodness to a great-tasting Sunday dinner pasta dish.

Pasta with Brussels sprouts recipe

Serves 4-6

Ingredients:1/2 pound spaghetti or fettuccine pasta, cooked to almost al dente1/2 pound Brussels sprouts, stems trimmed and outer leaves removed, sliced thin2 tablespoons butter2 tablespoons olive oil1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper2-3 tablespoons toasted pine nuts1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheeseDirections:
    Cook the pasta in salted water, until almost al dente, then drain it, reserving 1/2 a cup of the pasta water. Set the pasta aside.In a large saute pan over medium heat, add the butter and olive oil. Mix the two together a bit, and when the butter has melted, add the sliced Brussels spouts and saute for a few minutes until they begin to brown.Add the black pepper and red pepper flakes, and mix well.Add the pasta to the Brussels sprouts, and lightly toss it in the pan. Add the reserved pasta water and toss again. Cook for another few minutes, until the pasta absorbs the water.Serve warm on individual plates, sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese and garnish with the pine nuts.

Go green with your pasta!

More Sunday Dinner recipes

Pastina with vegetables
Bacon and egg pizza
Butternut squash, mushroom and spinach quesadillas


Makeover your child's reaction to stress

Help Your Child
Cope With StressMakeover your child's reaction to stress -- the benefits will last a lifetime!

Many, if not most of our children's problems come from their inability to deal with stress in a healthy way. But a child is unlikely to know when he or she is overstressed and it's up to the parents to watch for tell-tale signs which may include: difficulties with sleep, health, mood and learning.

Physical symptoms of stress or anxiety in children may include: recurring headaches, stomach pain and nausea, sleep disturbances, nightmares, bedwetting, decreased appetite and stuttering.

Emotional symptoms of stress or anxiety in children may include: moodiness, difficulty with concentration (spaciness), scary thoughts, a tendency to worry a lot, low self-esteem, restlessness, clinging, aggression, stubbornness, not wanting to participate in family or school activities, being easily upset: crying, whining or excessive anger.

If parents suspect that their child is over-stressed or anxious, they would be wise to simplify their child's life by cutting back on extracurricular activities and creating a home environment that is a sanctuary from the outside world. Each child is unique and even in the same family the number of activities that could be overwhelming for one child, might be quite comfortable for another.

However, it's never possible to eliminate stress completely and we cannot (and should not) protect our children from every difficult experience. We can though, help our children to recognize and face their anxious feelings and react to them in a healthy way.

Ways to help kids de-stress

Teach them to relax

Practice the 3 R's: teach kids to rest their bodies, relax their minds and refresh their spirits. Take a few minutes each day to practice self-soothing relaxation techniques such as progressive relaxation, attending to the breath, and visualization.Anticipate problems that are likely to occur and give your children a chance use their self-calming skills. Have a cue that quickly and privately signals a child to use his relaxation skills to become calm or to focus. It could be a word, or a physical cue.

Teach them to be active

Try to ensure that your child has at least thirty minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day.Be a role model for an active lifestyle.Find fun, outdoor activities that you can do together as a family.Do slow sustained stretches in the evening before bed.

Teach them to turn it off

Limit television and video viewing time, as well as time spent playing video or computer games.Monitor TV shows, avoiding violent shows, those that are fast paced, and material that is inappropriate for your child's age and level of maturity.Turn all electronic equipment off at least an hour before bed.


Edible and easy cornucopia

Who Said You Can't Eat Your Centerpiece?There's nothing more symbolic of fall and Thanksgiving than a cornucopia. These cone shaped baskets often adorn Thanksgiving dinner tables or are used as statement pieces in fall decorating. Instead of spending money on one this year, why not create your own edible cornucopia? As daunting as that sounds, a homemade (and delicious) cornucopia is one of the easiest and cost effective Thanksgiving decoration ideas -- no Martha required. Plus, you can use the money you're saving on decor on fancy wine to impress your in-laws.

Edible Cornucopia

The joy of cornucopias is that you can fill them with just about anything. An assortment of cheeses, fresh cut fruit or even farm fresh vegetables make the perfect addition to this soft, honey baked bread basket. Don't be surprised when your centerpiece disappears well before dinner. It's a smart idea to have a fresh bouquet or a non-edible centerpiece plan B since this one will go fast. One bite of this fresh bread basket and you'll be hooked!

Edible cornucopia

Yields: One large bread cornucopia

Ingredients:2 (13 ounce) cans of refrigerated breadsticks1 eggCooking spray1/2 tablespoon butterDirections: 
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. and lightly spray a 17 x 14-inch (or larger) cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray.Tear off a large (about 30 inches long) section of aluminum foil. Roll foil into a cone shape, about 18 inches long with the opening measuring about five inches wide. Using extra foil rolled into balls, stuff the cone so that it holds its shape.Beat butter and egg together to form a simple glaze.Open the breadsticks and separate each one. Beginning at the end of the cornucopia, carefully wrap the breadsticks around the foil, connecting each breadstick to the next to hold shape. Continue wrapping until you reach the opening. Using the two extra breadsticks, roll the dough into a braided design and wrap the opening. Using the glaze, carefully brush the whole cornucopia, being sure to get all breadsticks covered.Bake for 25 to 45 minutes or until bread is a rich brown color.Let the cornucopia cool completely before you remove the foil from the center.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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